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Treść opublikowana przez Maliversiak

  1. This plugin forces most user links throughout the Invision Community to display member group color/formatting. This applies in all places where the \IPS\Member object is used to produce links to a member. Your user name in the cover photo and also on profile hovercards (when you cursor over a username/photo and the mini profile appears) remain un-formatted and probably should remain that way as background images will nearly always conflict with the group formatted color and should remain white. See below. If you are wondering why some areas do not have formatted names and others do that is because there are many different ways the userlink is created throughout the suite. If the IPS\Member object is used the group color will be applied automatically. In EVERY other instance additional coding is required. Sometimes easy, other times not. Search and Stream Results are particularly challenging as they actually involve language files with variable passed directly to the language construct. As is right now you will see Search and Stream Results do have group formatting applied but the trailing possessive does not - i.e. Fate's topic. There may be away around this but it will require new language bits and that means translations and so on... Version 12 is 4.3 compatible and FREE - find it attached below. Version 11 is the last compatible version for 4.2 and is also FREE - find it attached below. Both version 11 and 12 are no longer supported! Version 13 and onward is paid and supported (as far as future Invision Community system changes will allow me) This mod is beer/coffee priced. $7 with $4/year renewal. Just got to the point where the support requests (and patches for IPS changes) took too much time away from other things. FREE Group Color on User Link 12 - 4.3 only.xml FREE Group Color on User Link 11 - 4.2 only.xml Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. If your site's like mine, people consistently use the Contact Us form to ask questions that are better suited for the forums. I searched all over and couldn't find a way to put a message explaining what to use the form for. So I made my own way. This plugin lets you set a custom message to be displayed above the contact form, using a WYSIWYG editor. Built on 4.3.1, and tested on 4.2.9. I make no promises this won't interfere with other 3rd party alterations to the Contact Us form. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. 4.2.x and 4.3.x Compatible! How does this work? During the indexing process for an IPS Pages database record the field you have flagged as "Content" is processed by the IPS indexing method. After that is complete, this plugin checks that the overall item is indeed a Pages database record and looks for text, text area, and editor fields that are also a part of the record. If those fields have been flagged by you with this plugin to be included in the search index those areas are then collected, stripped of HTML elements to retain only the pure text content (Editor fields only), and then appended to the end of the initial indexed data (that field you have marked as "Content"). That field content is now in the search index and, naturally, searchable! When does this actually apply? When records are saved (initial creation) and when edited of course. Also during search index rebuilds. What happens if I remove this plugin or disable it? Those additional fields will no longer be indexed. Any of those fields previously indexed with records will remain in the index until the record is edited again or you rebuild the search index. I can't stop you or your other admins from doing... interesting things. This plugin does EXACTLY what it says, no more, no less. The plugin also is not psychic so when one of your admins decides to do some server work and disables this (and other plugins) but people are still making entries on the front end the result will be pretty much what you expect... What happens if IPS decides to finally include this functionality themselves? Remove this plugin, do whatever is required of the new IPS functionality, rebuild the search index. This plugin only appends the additional text to the search index entry (which for Pages database records is whatever the content of the field flagged as "content" contains, minus HTML code) and makes no actual changes to the record content itself. Why hasn't this been included by IPS before? Appending specifically? Permissions. Searchable fields in general? A structural challenge with the overall IPS content model. What do you mean? Every database field can have custom permissions. For example, you can create a bug tracker where there are publicly view-able fields and then other fields that only staff can see. However, there is only a single search index content entity that is searched - not separate searchable entries for every field. That means that every field you append to the search index with this plugin MUST be a field you want everyone to be able to see. When viewing a record those field permissions will of course apply, but with this information appended to the single searchable index entry you risk the chance that a search result will display with that formerly staff-only field and now everyone will know your admins are calling other members "buttheads" or worse. Be careful! For IPS to solve this, they would need to treat all additional text, editor, and text area fields as totally separate entities to be inserted into the search index. The management of that endeavor will require some engineering. We didn't get additional searchable fields in the 3x line, not with the initial 4.0.x hotness, and with 4.3 now it still appears to be a distant dream. I got tired of waiting. For my use case I can write a totally custom app, with separate databases for every "field" I want to be searchable and then handle everything with joins and all that on the back-end, or I can just append the two text fields I need searchable to the main content field with this plugin and call it a day. It might be possible to swing this by using the relational functions in Pages but I've never gotten them to work all that well to be honest. Future development? Looking at filtering out content from being indexed by entering a regex equation. If the content of the field matches your regex, this plugin will not append it to the search index entry. This will cut down on search index spam if the text fields you are appending often contain repetitious entries and you'd rather just index out the more unique ones. Maybe numbers? Both the above and this are totally doable, but let's just get this out the door first shall we? OK, great, but I already have a massive database. I installed this and set the fields I wanted to be indexed in this database. I get that new records going forward will have the field values added to the search index but what about old records? Manually edit each one (edit and save, no need to change anything) or if that is way too much work (it probably is) head into the ACP - System - Content Discovery - Search and rebuild the search index. That should do it! Can't we rebuild just a single Pages database search index by itself? Nope, sorry. IPS does not have the ability to just rebuild a single application's search index at this time - or if it does exist it is not available in the ACP. $20 to buy, $6 year renew but honestly consider the renew a tip jar as this is more or less "done" as it is. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Create the community frontpage you always wanted just with drag&drop! This plugin & template set let’s you create a beautiful frontpage in the style of magazines or newspapers. You can display content from all your IPS apps: Core (Clubs, Calendar), Forums, Pages, Gallery, Downloads, Blogs. That’s 9 block types in total! But there is more: You choose the look of each block from 6 different layouts! Mix and match however you like! Feature a single article, show your recent clubs, albums, blog entries … It’s totally up to you. And instead of the dull stock block listings, SuperBlocks are appealing and engaging by showing images and teaser texts from the items of your feeds. What’s needed: IPS 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application You should be familiar with setting up Pages blocks How does it work: The SuperBlocks plugin provides templates for regular Pages custom feed blocks. So you get the full power of Pages custom blocks with all their settings and filters. And you use the blocks like any Pages block. You just add a SuperBlocks template to create a more stylish look for the block. The SuperBlocks templates can be used in the main content area of any community page, which supports drag&drop slots. It doesn’t work in the sidebar and is not meant for pages with multiple content columns (e.g. a 3-column Pages page). You can create entire Page Builder pages with SuperBlocks or place individual blocks anywhere on your site. SuperBlocks in the main content work with or without a sidebar next to them. The layouts are chosen through the number of items you pick (or have) in your feed block. A value of “1” creates one big featured entry. “2” puts two entries next to each other. “3“ puts three entries in a row. “4” features the first entry and shows the other three entries as a list. “5” uses a two by three grid. “6” features one entry, shows images for two more entries and shows the rest as text only in another row. Higher values than six will be ignored. SuperBlocks are of course responsive and by default the templates will try to balance the use of hi-res and low-res images. You can fine-tune this in the plugin settings in accordance with your app image settings and the pages your are creating using SuperBlocks. What’s included: Pages block templates in 6 different styles for each of the following feed types: Pages: Record Feed Forum: Topic Feed Post Feed Calendar: Upcoming Events Clubs: Club Feed Download: Files Feed Blog: Entry Feed Gallery: Image Feed Album Feed A settings plugin with these features Show block titles on desktop Show block titles on tablets Show block titles on phones Key color Secondary color Badge overlay color Image settings per app to influence quality and page loading Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. A Dark theme for IPB 4.3.x Upgrade for Includes: PSD Files for logo Choose to install theme with or without slider Dark CKEditor Theme Readme.txt file (includes installation instructions) Themed for the following: Forum Blog Gallery Downloads Pages Chat Commerce Calendar Leaderboard You will be able to upgrade to all future 4.3.x that IPS release and should not affect the theme (if it does then please contact me Terms & Conditions: To be installed on one forum only, to install on more than one then you will need to purchase skin again (contact me for discounts for purchasing more than one skin). You are not allowed to re-sell the skin or make profit directly from the skin. You do not have the right to redistribute this skin set in any way. Copyright removal available at extra cost, contact me for details. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. This plugin will allow admins to drag and drop groups position. Once the order is set on ACP, groups will appear reordered across the whole suite: ACP and front-end, where IPS uses the cache to load group; basically, everywhere. Permission: only admins with no restrictions in Groups will be able to use this resource. A few examples of places ordered by this plugin: Groups page on Admin CP Applications module permission on Admin CP Plugin settings on Admin CP Advanced Search form Online list filter etc. See: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Simle plugin to modify background settings in profile name and group on profile view. Compatible with IPS 4.2/4.3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. No settings, no buttons, icons or other additional elements of the ui, just a quick mention of the members by clicking on their nickname. Works with all standard applications, except Pages. Manual integration into pages is also possible if necessary (instruction is attached). Works in desktop and mobile view. Supports work with versions IPS 4.2.x and 4.3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. If you use a Pages database for articles, you can turn on a nice blog-style “article mode” for it — but just for the frontpage view. In the listing view for the categories of your articles you will see a “forum-style” view. If you don’t like that, this template solves this problem. You can assign it to your database or individual categories and your category listings will look like the article mode frontpage. What’s needed: IPS 4.3 in its most recent version with the Pages application I am providing this free of charge. If you like it, feel free to check out my commercial Pages templates as well. ☞ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. It enable Invision Topic Feed to show full topic path, has an organization in the community. What will change: Before: Water After: Glass > Cup > Water Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Version 4.3.1 is a small maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.3.0. **IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE**Please note that not all third party applications and themes are yet compatible with Invision Community 4.3. If you have customizations to your community, including SSO / custom login integration, third party modifications such as themes plugins and applications, please ensure they have been declared compatible with this update or your site may be non-functional after upgrade. There is a new compatibility field on all marketplace resource listings. If this field is missing or does not specifically list 4.3, it is likely not yet compatible. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Forum Legend Widget Icon legend for forum Options: Enable &Disable Legend Icon legend(fontawesome) ُ Description legend Color legend Demo Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Night -is a dark modern theme that will standout beautifully on your monitor. *NEW* Framework You don’t just get a simple theme, you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website, make it yours! *NEW* Language Setting Keys In this theme, we've set up the language keys for our settings. I know all of you were dying to wait for this, so you can understand the settings very well. *NEW* Body Overlay Image By default, there will be an top & bottom overlay image on the body to make the body standout beautifully. Plus, there will be an overlay color over the bottom image. *NEW* Back to Top Also in our framework, when you scroll down, you'll see the back to top button so you don't have to scroll yourself. Guest Message You will get a guest message that displays everywhere of consisting of a title and a short paragraph of what's possible when your guest creates an account. *NEW* Google Import Style Sheet Editor Inside the setting tab called "Google Fonts", you'll be able to paste the embed @import into the CSS style sheet editor. Google Font Head Field Below the style sheet editor, there will be an input field to input the head font for this theme. Enable/Disable Secondary Footer Need more storage for the footer? Don’t worry, we created another footer so you can store more stuff or anything that you want inside. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Twitter Integration Introducing Twitter integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable the Twitter feed and input your user profile name. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Facebook Page Introducing Facebook page integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable the Facebook page plugin and input your page ID. *NEW* Secondary Footer: New Social Icons In our new framework, we introduce you with new social icons: Instagram, Dribbble, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Logo/Site Title On the about us section, you'll get a site title, which is default and a logo if you uploaded to the 'Site Logo' section on the setting tab called "Logos". *NEW* Secondary Footer: Physical Address In our new framework, we introduce you physical address built right into the about us section. Secondary Footer: About Us Also on the secondary footer, we made an about us section so you can describe your site and your users interests. Appearance You will get setting(s) of changing the default colors to your own liking. And much more! Theme Demo Go here to read about previewing themes on the demo board. Test Account Wanna look more into our themes? Well, now ThemeTree supports a test account for all of our themes. So no more looking at those screenshots or even looking at our themes live. Login to the test account and browse the contents. Display Name: TestAccount123 Password: testyaccount123 Keep up with ThemeTree By: Registering, so you can get upcoming news and updates, and 24/7 support on our forums. Following us on Dribbble ( You can find out our latest upcoming themes and shots. Contacting us at [email protected]. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Top Bar Forums Display contact information and introduce social network links important in all forums Demo Settings: Set Email Address Set Phone Number Set Social Links Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. This is a bundle of plugins to automatically embed videos from adult content websites. It works just like the stock options for YouTube, Vimeo and so on. The user will past the URL of the video and it will automatically be turned into a video player. Currently 12 websites are included: Pornhub, xHamster, RedTube, SpankWire, Tube8, xTube, XVideos, Mofosex, YouPorn, YouPornGay, GayBoysTube, ManPorn. Each website has its own plugin. You can install all of them or just the ones your users are likely to use. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. A very clean beautiful template for the latest IPS 4.3.x The Landing Page is not included in the theme. It is a part of my site and what you can do with "pages" application. Live Demo at my site. Change theme to UltiMaze. Only for IPS 4.3.x Advanced custom footer with 4 column, or choose how many column you want! Background upload setting preview. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Plugin which allows you to apply extra control over the oembed functionality provided by the IPS core allows group level control over which remote sites members of a group are allowed to embed. provides you the ability to add other remote oembed sources which are not yet supported by IPS, such as Note: Plugin support does not include assisting you with researching whether a site supports oembed or not. Google, or the site itself, will be your friend in that situation Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Create a good, high quality and professional message Using Message Pro Widget demo The settings that this plugin gives website administrators: * Title Widget * Message (Textarea) * Fontawesome Icon * Background Color * Text Color With this plugin you can create infinite professional messages for your users thanks( @Daniel F and @newbie LAC) For Help Me Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. This plugin will show, to the file submitter, the default IPS 4.3 message when their file isn't available to be purchased. Currently, it shows to everyone, except file submitter. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. This is a maintenance to release to the 4.2 series address security issues. As we prepare for our next large release, version 4.3, we do large security audits. We decided to apply those security enhancements to the 4.2 series so you can get them now if you prefer to not upgrade to 4.3 yet. We would like to thank @newbie LAC for his assistance. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Turn Spirit into Pre-Made Blocks System Are you tired of messing with code inside your block editor for Spirit? There's a solution to this. It's called "Pre-Made Spirit Blocks Package". This package will enhance your homepage by getting some components from Bootstrap and custom ones from ThemeTree. It's fast from not hassling with code and simple to configure! Here's the lists of pre-made components: Carousel Type Default Carousel Blockquotes Alerts Type Normal Additional Content Collapse List Group Type Default Tabbable Panes Figures Tables Embeds Cards Type Card header Card deck Wow, that's 8 pre-made components! What is Spirit? Spirit -a custom landing page template built with CMS (Pages) and runs on Bootstrap & IPS framework to make your homepage look beautiful. REQUIREMENT Spirit - Power by Pages CMS (Pages) Live Demo We've replaced the custom blocks from the demo board into the blocks package. Go here to see it live. Setting It Up Go here to read the article on setting up the components that you want for your community homepage. Image Credit The thumbnail blocks image goes to Tahsin Tahil. No changes have been made. Keep up with ThemeTree By: Registering, so you can get upcoming news and updates, and 24/7 support on our forums. Following us on Dribbble ( You can find out our latest upcoming themes and shots. Contacting us at [email protected]. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. 25 Theme With beautiful design Settings: Advanced Footer slideshow Social Forums ... Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. The plugin allows you to display advanced geolocation of members in forum topics (not in comments). In addition to the standard built-in IPS geolocation, several popular third-party geolocation services are supported, such as, (ex.,, This first allows you to use geolocation mapping with an inactive license, second, for example, it extends the geolocation settings in part of the locale display language. Additional options allow you to change the display of geolocation, in the form of an caption or a flag, or both versions together, as well as the standard geolocation is hidden in the mobile version, this plugin has the option to display the flag of the members country in the mobile version. You can also configure which groups can see the geolocation, and for which groups geolocation will not be determined. Supports work with versions IPS 4.2.x and 4.3 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Installation Instructions: Customization Themes Add Theme Upload Theme Choose File and find Dark Passion.xlm and upload it If there are any issues with the theme, please let me know. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Endpoints is a Postman library of the endpoints published for IPS 4. In this version I have only included the GET statements as I wouldn't want any destructive action happen. To load the JSON file you will need to download Postman - Once installed you can setup your own environment with your own API keys or OAuth to your IPS install, once your credentials are setup you will be able to test your API called to your site. I have also published the endpoints at this location Note: I have yet to finish the Gallery and Calendar - caught a head cold 🤧 Przeczytaj cały wpis
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