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Treść opublikowana przez Maliversiak

  1. TimeLine Sidebar Despite the almost limitless variety in project management techniques, there is at least one element that appears in every project, at every company and in every industry: the project timeline. Setting: set background color set timeline color set year Or ... set description Demo Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Post Comments is an app, which adds possibility to comment posts on your forum. Functions: - Adding comments under posts (full editor) - Hiding/unhiding comments - Deleting comments - Reporting comments - Reactions - Setting access to application - Number of comments is added to "Total Posts" in default widget "Forum statistics" - In activity of user we can check in which topic he added a comment Demo: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. After a long talk with fellow developers on how to improve my "storm" application, we came to the conclusion that it was the "wrong" approach to developer tools, it tried to do too much and often times it did things that some didn't want it to do. to get around this, we have decided to break up "storm" into multiple applications and call them "The Dev Toolbox". These applications are being provided free of charge to the IPS developer community, but i ask if you find them useful or lifesaving, consider making a donation of any amount, to ensure the future development of these fantastic tools: if you would like to access the git repo: there will be two branches, master and dev. master will be what is found here in the download and dev will be any fixes, features, etc, that are in the works, so it might not be ready for general use. if you want access to be able to push, send me a PM with your bitbucket name/email and i will consider adding you. In this download you will find 4 new and improved components to the "storm" application (well 5 in total, but dtbase will be required to be installed along with any of the other apps, as it contains shared code and data they will use). they are as follows: DT Proxy: Proxy, is the proxy class generator reworked and improved upon proxy class generator found in "storm". most of the improvements will be seen by people who use IDE's and in particular PHPStorm, coupled with a very powerful plugin, php-toolbox. The biggest improvements that weren't made for phpstorm and this plugin, was the property generation for ActiveRecord and descendant classes. In this version it will try to determine the return type from the fields definition and will use the fields description if it has one to describe the property. this is useful to avoid "return" type errors in most IDE's inspections. however it is not a 100% perfect, if you are not satisfied with the results of it, you can regenerate the proxy's without the field type being set, it will just configure them as "strings". PHPStorm and PHP-Toolbox Features: Templates return type (this uses built in features of phpstorm and does not require the php-toolbox plugin). this feature when you type in \IPS\Theme::i()-getTemplate('somegroup'), will try to match the "group" parameter to a class, which overrides the methods default return type, so you can get a list of "available" templates to that group. this feature is limited by the ability in phpstorm and can only match on the group, so you might find that it doesn't always return the template you want, as there can be multiple groups with the same named template, it does work for the most part. will continue to try to improve this feature: *note: from this point on for dtproxy description you will need phpstorm and the php-toolbox plugin installed and enabled to have these features working! Application Hinting: there are several IPS methods that require "application" to be entered as on of its parameters, this feature provides a hinting dialogue for you to select an app from for several methods for IPS. (note: this isn't an exhaustive list for methods that handle a parameter, just the most used imho, below is a list of methods this works for, if it has a number after it, it is what parameter it is for, the first param would be 0): IPS\Application::load IPS\Application::appIsEnabled IPS\Email::buildFromTemplate:0 IPS\Application::appsWithExtension:0 IPS\Lang::saveCustom:0 IPS\Lang::copyCustom:0 IPS\Lang::copyCustom:3 IPS\Lang::deleteCustom:0 IPS\Theme::getTemplate:1 IPS\Application::extension:0 IPS\Application::allExtensions:0 IPS\Output::js:1 IPS\Output::css:1" Table Name Hinting: This one is for methods in IPS that require a table name as a parameter. IPS\Db::select:1 IPS\Db::insert:0 IPS\Db::delete:0 IPS\Db::update:0 IPS\Db::replace:0 IPS\Db::checkForTable:0 IPS\Db::createTable:0 IPS\Db::duplicateTableStructure:0 IPS\Db::renameTable:0 IPS\Db::alterTable:0 IPS\Db::dropTable:0 IPS\Db::getTableDefinition:0 IPS\Db::addColumn:0 IPS\Db::changeColumn:0 IPS\Db::dropColumn:0 IPS\Helpers\Table\Db::__construct:0 Language Strings Hinting: several methods in IPS require a use of a language string. IPS\Lang::addToStack:0 IPS\Lang::checkKeyExists IPS\Lang::get IPS\Lang::saveCustom:1 IPS\Lang::copyCustom:1 IPS\Lang::copyCustom:2 IPS\Lang::deleteCustom:1 Template Group Hinting: \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 0 ) is a required parameter and requires a template group to be added, this will add hinting to it: Modpermissions hinting: Url Hinting (on \IPS\Http\Url::internal, will bring up a list of apps, apps with modules, and apps with modules and controllers): Furl Hinting: this isn't exhaustive list, but this is a start. as development continues on DT Proxy, hopefully we can bring it to new levels and offer more comprehensive phpstorm features, if you don't use phpstorm but know of plugins or features in other IDE's that can do similar things, let me know, if it is not too much of a hassle, i will try to add them in :). DT Dev Plus: this app extends the features of the developer center for applications in IPS. this will add 3 new tabs (Sources, Dev Folder and Languages). Sources: this is the feature that received the biggest boost in new features and abilities. You can create several class types (and interfaces and traits here) that will automatically be added to your applications sources folder, with all the appropriate namespacing and class prefixing. you can also define what it extends or implements or uses (for traits). On ActiveRecord, Node, Item, Review, you can select to have the database generated for you, along with other scaffolding (like for nodes/items, it will create the controllers and modules for it, along with adding the nodes to the ACP menu of your app). for Nodes/Items/Comments/Reviews, you will be present with list of interfaces and traits found in IPS, that you can select. if the trait/interface needs to add a property/method or a map to the column map, this will automatically add them to the newly created class (and if the property or map is a table field, it will also add it to the table if it creates a table). It really takes out the guess work and the hunting down what you "need" to add something, now just check a box and the way you go! Dev Folder: Not a whole lot has changed here, but you can create templates, js widets/controllers/modules, that will automatically add to the location/group you select, and will give you a skeleton of the code. the biggest change here is the ability to select existing location/groups. Languages: this might not be a feature for everyone, but i find it saves me time. this will provide a list of all the languages strings defined for your app (this includes lang.php and jslang.php), and provides a list that can be edited in the browser, along with where it should be saved too (like is it a lang.php only or jslang.php only or do you want it to appear for both). I like being able to quickly and easily see both lists and make changes where needed Extension: Dev Center Plus also includes an extension, if you add it to your app, it will add a "doc block" at the head of each php file, and will also add a blank "index.html" to each directory that doesn't have one, to prevent directory listings from those folders. these are both executed at build time. if you don't have the extension for your app, then these features will not run. you can also provide a list of files or directories to ignore thru the extension that you don't want to include in your tar file. DT Dev Folder: ever misplaced those pesky dev folders for your plugins or applications, or woking for a client and they want you to do something with another application, but you don't have the dev folders and the author is slow to respond. do not fear, DT Dev Folder is here! This applications allows you to generate the dev folders for applications and plugins. this application will also allow you to install plugins while in_dev mode (and generates the dev folder for you). it will also create the dev folder for apps installed while in_dev DT Code: I'm not sure where i will be going with this application exactly, right now it will search thru your code looking for lang keys and settings, it will check and verify they are both in use and defined. it can return false positives as these might not always be "defined" in a way it can read it, but can give you the ability to see which language strings are in use and get rid of the "dead" ones and same with settings. if you have any suggestions for things you would want to check in your code, let me know and i will see about implementing this feature. DT Base: This app doesn't really do much on its own, it adds the "DevBar Menu" to the acp, but it is required for the other apps as it is has classes and data they will use (instead of reinventing the wheel for each application) decided to go with a "required" base app. There are a ton of features and abilities i'm probably forgetting about, so why don't you try it out for yourself, its free after all Future DT apps: Content Generator (this includes member generations and at least forum/topic/post generation) Profilier - will provide an area so you can monitor your apps performance and find out other vital information about your apps performance. Hope everyone enjoys this! send me any bugs or feedback to my PM's, i won't be supporting this application in my apps topic. thanks to everyone who has made this possible Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. As a basis, the original Online Indicator plugin was used which places the indicator next to the names of users in messages and private messages. You can specify the Font Awesome icon for both statuses, online and offline. The avatar indicator has many settings for placement, color, etc. Also supported are round avatars. The Advanced plugin allows you to determine the type of device from which the member entered and display it in addition to the online indicator in the form of an additional icon and text. Another Advanced setting allows you to display the device indicator only if this device is mobile (eg. Tablet or Phone). Adjust font sizes and layout icons and apply to Advanced icons Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. The plug-in allows you to extend the standard settings of the reactions and make them more flexible for the administrator. The main functions of the plug-in are the settings for the availability of each reaction to certain groups / users / forums topic, the possibility of changing the standard "weight" (reputation points) for each reaction, and settings of the maximum number of negative reactions allowed to be given to the group during the day. Availability settings for group/member/forums include: Ability to prohibit the reaction for a certain group or several groups (or all groups, which is equivalent to a standard disabling reaction). Ability to prohibit the reaction for a particular member or several members (in case you have individual members abusing certain reactions you can not prohibit the reaction to the group as a whole, to prohibit it only for individual members). The ability to resolve the reaction only for a specific member or several members (for example, you have an exclusive reactions to which you want to provide only one or more members / moderators / administrators, while other members should not be available). The ability to exclude a member or several members from recipients of a particular reaction. That is, for all publications made by the members specified in the setting, the reaction will not be available. The ability to configure the availability of reactions depending on the topic of the forum. The global setting allows you to completely disable reactions for selected forum topics. The settings for each reaction allow you to configure the availability of a specific reaction in various topics of the forum. Settings of the "weight" of reputation include: The ability to specify an extended range of reputation points from -100 to +100 (compared to the standard + 1 / -1). Settings: The maximum number of negative reactions allowed to be given to the group during the day: ACP -> Members -> Groups -> Tab Social (the logic of the work is as follows: the default setting sets the limit for all reactions per day, setting the plug-in sets the limit for negative reactions from this total number. Thus, if you specify for example a limit of total = 10 and a limit of negative = 3, this means that the group can issue a maximum of 10 reactions per day, with only a maximum of 3 of which may be negative). All Prohibited reaction will not be available even when you try to substitute the request URL in the address bar. About what the corresponding page will be given with an error. To visually identify the presence of additional options in the reaction list, additional labels are added to the reaction list indicating that the response has settings for groups, users, or the presence of an enhanced reputation value, while also the number of reputation points that this reaction modifies. Thus, when composing these settings, you can pretty flexibly configure which reactions will be available to certain users or groups or forums etc. ATTENTION!!! I would like to dwell on some points, so that there are no unnecessary questions. For the correct operation of the plug-in, I had to change the opening of the reactions settings window to the non-modal mode, in spite of the fact that developers like modal windows, this imposes some restrictions on the behavior of some elements on the form. So do not be surprised that when the plug-in is enabled, the response settings window is now not modal. In view of the fact that the work with the developers' reactions is realized through a third and not through the class, there are certain restrictions on overriding the standard settings. When the plug-in is disabled, the extended reaction values remain in effect as they were set when the plug-in was enabled. When removing the plug-in, all extended reaction values are given to + 1 / -1 by the principle of whether the reaction had a positive or negative weight. Plugin originally English-speaking (EN). In order not to keep in development two versions of the plug-in for different languages, in this plug-in I tried to implement my pseudo-multilanguage. , but if you have the Russian language in the system, translated (RU) lines will be installed automatically when installed. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. The simplest plugin for disabling control is the mandatory filling of ALL address fields in the appropriate settings and sections. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Hebrew Language 4.2 ips 4.x - forum + admin cp and more! Updated every month , speed problem fix ,Quick support and nice Language pack תרגום למערכת אייפיבי ,מתקן בעיות מהר מאוד תרגום מלא של הפורומים לוח בקרה לאדמין והמערכת ( הרשמה וכו) ועוד Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Plugin which allows you to place advertisements within the post content posted in your forum. List any advertisements that are configured with a 'custom location' and provide settings to control where and how to display those ads within post content. Control after which paragraph the ad will show 0 = shown before the posted content. If the number of paragraphs in a post is less than the number chosen, then the ad will appear at the end of the posted content. Show within quoted text. Show in all or some forums. Topic exclusion option available to avoid showing ads in topics, if required. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Have you got a lot of themes inside the theme menu? This mod will replace the skin menu at the bottom of the footer into a modal showing each theme in a grid by previewing a thumbnail for each theme to show the people on how it looks before they select it. Settings: Dialog Title = Set your own title when you toggle the modal. Default Thumb = Upload your default thumbnail if you don't want each theme to have a thumbnail. Enable Custom Thumb? = Enable/Disable the custom thumbnail Custom Thumb Stylesheet (CSS) = Follow this tutorial here on how to put your own theme thumbnail preview on each theme. How to install: Download the .xml file. Then, go to your ACP and then plugins and click to install the .xml file. Configuration: To configure this plugin, click the edit option of this plugin and it will take you to the Settings page. Keep up with ThemeTree By: Registering, so you can get upcoming news and updates, and 24/7 support on our forums. Following us on Dribbble ( You can find out our latest upcoming themes and shots. Contacting us at [email protected]. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. This mod will send PM to the topic author when moderator will run Saved Action on his topic. You could use several tags included and available to use. It's helpfull to inform member that his topic has been modified and by who. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Menu Groups Manager, is a spiritual successor to CJ Menu. This menu manager offers a wide range of abilities and features, not found in the default IPS menu manager. You will have the ability to create unlimited groups, use them in a widget, hooks or in one of the 5 predefined locations. Note: if you are a CJ Menu owner and purchased from here, you can claim for a limited time a free copy of MGM (go to Store->manage orders, find CJ Menu, and click on manage, there will be a button for upgrade and you can claim MGM from there). if you purchased it from the IPS marketplace and wish to upgrade, please contact me there. Features: Multiple menu groups Several menu types to choose from (drawer, URL, applications, wrapper and magic block) multi-tiered sub menus two sub menus types: traditonal and mega On IPS applications that support Categories (like forums and downloads) have the ability to attach these Categories as sub menus. (this feature can be extended to third parties apps thru MGM's extension, several 3rd parties apps already support, Babble, Downloads Plus out of the box). Optional replacement of IPS default menu*. custom permissions or use application permissions. custom icons or use of font awesome icons for menus. Magic Blocks: allows you to create customized submenus, allows use of HTML/IPS Template logic/PHP/Javascript/etc. the only real limit is the imagination going into it. minimal style: the style is made to look acceptable on the IPS default them, but the styling is kept to minimal for easier styling into any theme. * MGM will attempt to remove the IPS default menu navigation, this isn't always a guarantee due to difference in theme design, as long as the them is similar to the default theme in the menu area, this feature should work, refunds will not be issued based on this reason alone, if the theme is incompatible with this feature. I do offer additional paid support for this, please inquire in PM if you desire this. limited theme support is available (as i am not a themer, i can help to the best of my ability). Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. This is an amazing theme for ipb 4.2.x DEMO: Click HERE select greentheme0.2 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. This applications lets you upload an icon or use a fontawesome icon on the menu/navigation. It is fully built into the menu manager so no learning curve required. I'll release updates and whatnot, let me know what you think! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. This is an amazing theme for ipb 4.2.x Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. This is a very simple plugin that fixes the annoying "%OB" issue with the Upcoming Events widget. It's an issue with all BSD systems and potentially other systems as well. This plugin overrides "%OB" with "%B", which these systems can understand. Easy! Install instructions: Add as a plugin in your AdminCP Clear your forum's cache. To do so: Go to the "Get Support" page in your AdminCP Select "Something isn't working correctly" Click "Continue" Your forum's cache has been cleared! (You are free to leave the Support page and not continue) The Upcoming Events widget should be fixed! This was developed on 4.2.8. I'll update this plugin if it stops working. Or if the plugin stops working, let me know in a PM. 👍 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. LibterForumsIcons plugin adds setting which allows assigning Font Awesome icons to forums. Planned features Setting forums colors. Icons and colors inheritance from parent forum. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. This mod will add your forum description above the forum section title. How to install: Download the .xml file. Then, go to your ACP and then plugins and click to install the .xml file. Configuration: To configure this plugin, click the edit option of this plugin and it will take you to the Settings page. Keep up with ThemeTree By: Registering, so you can get upcoming news and updates, and 24/7 support on our forums. Following us on Dribbble ( You can find out our latest upcoming themes and shots. Contacting us at [email protected]. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. This plugin allow you display selected extra fields below a file description. These fields will be removed from sidebar. Request Support topic Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Welcome to Invision Community 4.3.0! This release brings numerous improvements and several new features, so be sure to read our announcement for everything new! **IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE** Please note that not all third party applications and themes are yet compatible with Invision Community 4.3. If you utilize third party resources, including custom themes, please ensure they have been declared compatible by their respective authors or your site may be non-functional after upgrade. There is a new compatibility field on all marketplace resource listings. If this field is missing or does not specifically list 4.3, it is likely not yet compatible. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. DEMO Worldgame a beautiful dark gaming theme . Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. This resource will provide canned replies to frequently asked questions for both the members and the staff. Canned replies can be shared. Member can create them in two ways: PRIVATE or PUBLIC. Public replies will be visiable and available to be used by all members allowed to use the resource, but only editable by its authors. Settings: Groups allowed to use the Canned Replies Content to use Canned Replies Topics and Comments in all apps that uses Comments modal, including 3rd-party resources. It will vary according to the applications you have installed in your board. Number of replies per page Note: Canned Replies tab on navigation bar will appear only for those who can use the resource. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Download Enhanced Widgets and liven up your board with some tasty looking widgets Features nice new design instead of the default IPS widgets, Shows the prefix of the topics if one is set with a nice coloured box around the prefix, Select what forums to show the results from, Select the limit of results to show on each widget, You can also pick the topic prefix colours on each widget, This currently has 6 widgets but more will be coming ( Let me know what sort of ones you would like ) Recent posts ( Shows a list of the recent posts ) Recent topics ( Shows a list of the recent topics ) Trending topics ( Hot Topics ) ( Shows a list of the hot topics ) Lounge ( Shows a list of the topics from your chosen forum ) Members per group ( Shows a 3D pie chart of the member count per group ) Posts per forum ( Shows a 3D pie chart of the post count per forum ) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. This widget will display clubs card on Forums index. Users will see Clubs he has permission to view. Settings: Number of club cards to display Sort Clubs by: Latest Activity, Most Members, Most Content, Latest Created or Name Position: Above or below Forums categories Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. DEMO Worldgame a beautiful dark gaming theme . Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Nice and clean awards or badges. Przeczytaj cały wpis
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