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Treść opublikowana przez Maliversiak

  1. Power Tools Introduction Power Tools is a third party command line utility for Invision Power Suite developers. It aims to aid in development by packaging several useful command line script and applications together in one easy to use application. Installation If you are on Linux, there is an optional executable included in the release package which you can extract and copy to /usr/local/bin for convenience. Otherwise, just extract the included ptools.phar file to the directory of your IPS installation. Then, from your terminal window, navigate to the applications directory and run ptools.phar as you would any other PHP script from the command line, $ php ptools.phar Power Tools version 0.2 Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: classmap Generate a map of error codes for classes in an IPS application help Displays help for a command list Lists commands tinker Launches an interactive shell interpreter for an IPS installation generate generate:activerecord Generates an Active Record boilerplate class generate:content-comment Generates a Content Comment boilerplate class generate:content-item Generates a Content Item boilerplate class generate:content-node Generates a Content Node boilerplate class proxy proxy:regen (Re)generates all proxy classes for the application Features Tinker Tinker is one of Power Tools most.. well, powerful features! The name tinker was inspired by Laravel's own "tinker" command, and it essentially operates in the same manner. Both are powered by PsySH, an application that provides an extremely powerful PHP REPL for your applications. Stop making your life difficult by executing arbitrary code in random modules for testing, or worse yet, actually trying to use the native PHP CLI interpreter. Need to test if your Item class is working correctly? Just pop into the REPL and give it a whirl! Everything in the tinker shell essentially works as your application does when run through the web browser. You can even get documentation on class methods right from within the interpreter, PsySh is a truly awesome tool. To learn more about it and all the features it offers you, check it out on Proxy Classes Due to the nature of the IPS 4.x framework, several useful features of your IDE may become non-functional (suggestions, code completion, etc). This command will generate proxy classes for IPS (including 3rd-party applications), so your IDE will know how to use IPS style classes. The proxy class generator can even automagically generate property mappings to all your database columns! Class Generators Power Tools comes with several powerful and fully featured class generators for IPS Nodes, Items, Comments and generic Active Record classes. These generators take care of all the necessary boilerplate for you automatically. For example, generating a new Content Item class is as simple as running a single command and following the on-screen input prompts: <?php namespace IPS\induction\Test; /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] ) ? $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; } class _Item extends \IPS\Content\Item { /** * @brief Application */ public static $application = 'induction'; /** * @brief Module */ public static $module = 'induction'; /** * @brief Database Table */ public static $databaseTable = 'induction_items'; /** * @brief Database Prefix */ public static $databasePrefix = ''; /** * @brief Multiton Store */ protected static $multitons; /** * @brief [ActiveRecord] ID Database Column */ public static $databaseColumnId = 'id'; /** * @brief Default Values */ protected static $defaultValues = NULL; /** * @brief Node Class */ public static $containerNodeClass = NULL; /** * @brief Comment Class */ public static $commentClass = NULL; /** * @brief Review Class */ public static $reviewClass = NULL; /** * @brief Database Column Map */ public static $databaseColumnMap = array( 'container' => 'category_id', 'author' => 'author_id', 'views' => 'views', 'title' => 'title', 'content' => 'content', 'num_comments' => 'num_comments', 'last_comment' => 'last_comment', 'last_comment_by' => 'last_comment_by', 'last_comment_name' => 'last_comment_name', 'last_review' => 'last_review', 'date' => 'date', 'updated' => 'updated', 'approved' => 'approved', 'approved_by' => 'approved_by', 'approved_date' => 'approved_date', 'pinned' => 'pinned', 'featured' => 'featured', 'locked' => 'locked', 'ip_address' => 'ipaddress' ); /** * @brief Title */ public static $title = NULL; /** * @brief Icon */ public static $icon = 'file'; /** * @brief [Content] Key for hide reasons */ public static $hideLogKey = NULL; /** * @brief Form Lang Prefix */ public static $formLangPrefix = 'induction_'; /** * @brief Reputation Type */ public static $reputationType = 'id'; } Class Mapping The classmap command maps unique ID numbers to your applications class files. These ID numbers are then stored and maintained for use in error codes. By maintaining and actively using a proper error code scheme, you can easily and transparently map the location of errors that are triggered in production. For more information on this feature, refer to the original Classmap script. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. IPS Redesigned Theme To Do List Support 4.1.19 Slider Advanced Footer Fix details Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. A small plugin that adds cover image for the header of each forum and each page of Pages application. Note! The plugin is developed for the original templates of theme. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. This application will add a +1 / -1 rating and review system for users in your forum. When an user rates another user, they will have also the option to enter a reason for their rating. The reason has a maximum limit of 500 characters and it can be set as required or optional. Users ratings will be available on their profiles and below their names in posts and topics. Ratings will be displayed on users profiles and on a new separate page. Below is a detailed overview of the application. Permissions: Groups that can review members. Groups that can view reviews. Groups that can delete own reviews. Groups that can delete all reviews. Restriction Criterias: Negative Review Restriction. You can protect certain users from receiving negative reviews. Users Last Visit And Activity Date. If an user has not been active, or has not visted the forum for a certain amount of time, then they can not be rated. Action Criterias: Promote users automatically to primary, secondary or both groups after they have received a certain amount of positive ratings. Moderate or restrict users automatically after they have received a certain amount of negative ratings. Notifications: Whenever an user is reviewed, they will receive a notification. The notifications can be disabled from the Notifications Settings page. Only the inline notification option is possible. The email notification option is disabled. Review Display: A list of all reviews will displayed on a separate page linked to the navigation bar. Only users with the appropriate permissions will be able to view the reviews and delete them. Widget: Users who have received only positive reviews will be displayed on a widget that can be placed either in the sidebar or board index. Tools: A tools page is available to delete all user reviews. Roadmap: More features are planned for future releases. If you wish to request a particular feature to be added, you can either post at the application 's support topic or contact me in private. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. This plugin will allow you, or if you have selected members, To post global sticky notes to other members / groups on your board DEMO Sticky Notes (ACP) Display admin based global sticky notes to your members Choose what user groups can see the sticky notes Choose 4 different positions to place the sticky notes Add a signature (username and avatar) to the bottom of the sticky note allowing members to see who wrote it, as a clickable link to said profile Choose the colour of the sticky notes Personal Sticky Notes (MEMBERS) Allow chosen user groups to send personal sticky notes to other members Members can have a maximum of 3 personal sticky notes at a time (4 including the ACP based sticky note) All sticky notes are dismissable and will show again when a new one is posted All personal sticky notes will automatically add the username and avatar of the member/s who posted it in the sticky note signature as a clickable link to said profile Moderator permission members and Admins can see and edit any Personal Sticky Note via the Sticky Note links How to install Go to your ACP and plugins then install the downloaded.xml How to configure Go to your ACP and plugins then click the edit icon on the plugin How to send personal notes You can send them by clicking the Sticky Note link on the members hovercard or on their topic / posts at the bottom Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. IPS 4.2 only Infraskew Infraskew is a Beautiful, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with a lot of customization's and features including responsive navigation, Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Extra footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (IP.Content) as a complete package for infinite slider, theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings, You can manually change ALL colors and switch between a Dark or White scheme with color settings. Infraskewtheme is beautifully responsive and mobile friendly, it is best suitable for Gaming website, Included with Dozen of useful settings and features for example adding a fixed social link on sidebar or footer, also two custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website you can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page, Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets Demo Main features Swiper Slider Swiper is a modern touch slider beautifully designed to show your articles and custom slides, You can add custom slides and feeds from (Pages) app, comes with a lot of settings and customization's to work the way you desire. You can choose where to show the slider for example Forums only, or any of IPS applications You can also exclude the slider from showing on pages like register, Login, Search, Activity, topics...etc) Including all IPS applications You can add 5 custom and sortable sliders within theme settings, All sliders have its own Usergroup permissions You can also add a (Pages) feed block to show database records in the slider with a customized template made especially for slider. News ticker Responsive and easy to use news ticker, Add as many tickers as you want all within theme options, You can also show a (Pages) database records in the news ticker. Change auto scrolling speed, Change title, Customizable colors. Custom Widgets Add Two fully customizable custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website, You can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page, Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets, Great for guest messages, or to use it for custom ads and/or custom html. Header & Navigation Slick, flexible and responsive header comes with a lot of options to customize, All colors are customizable with settings including many more useful options to customize the way you want. Show your website navigation in a beautiful drop down, drop up, fading, sliding effects, Optionally enable or disabling sticky navigation on scroll, Use a custom google font for navigation, Change menus text alignment, Change font size, Two different menus hover effects...etc). Extra Footer Extra footer is a simple and responsive footer layout, you can add Links, Add (Pages) database records, Site Informations. Fully customizable colors with settings, You can also add a background image to apply on footer. Style your forum categories This theme included with an awesome feature which allows you to style your forum categories, For example adding a different background color gradients, Title background and color, or a cover to the forum section. Comes with 3 rules, with each rules You can select multiple forum categories to apply the styles. Web Font Loader Change website font to any custom font from google fonts site, all you have to do is typing your desired font name to apply. Change the body font to any custom font, Additionally you can also change the navigation font separately. Ultimate colors. Without touching a line of code, Theme colors are completely customizable with settings, You can easily change any element color on the theme to your desired colors, switch between a white or dark theme ALL within theme color settings, Personalize colors as desired of everything on the website E.g. Body, Wrapper, Headers, Navigation, User bar, Side bars, Footer, Titles, Topics, Author panels, Editor, Reactions, Messages, Pop-up, Breadcrumb, Reactions...etc) A different article styles This theme included with a free copy of «A different article styles» A beautiful design to Show your Pages database and blocks with six different styles, you can set the styles on the main (pages) database page and/or as blocks anywhere on the website. A plugin to customize the styles. With the plugin You can change the style colors and some useful settings to resize article images - Responsive and pixel-perfect design. Styles One column Two column Three column Two column first featured Three column first featured and a mini news feed block Feature Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Automate the mundane task of updating your Email List in MailChimp and have our tool do it for you! When a new user registers or changes their email they will automatically be added/updated to your list in MailChimp. Easy peasy, no more executing SQL, downloading and messing through lists! This is the PRO version which enables you to sync your profile and custom profile fields. Features: Users and define profile fields will be added on each new Registration Users email address will be updated upon changing it Users will only be added if they subscribed to receive emails from Admins Admins can sync a user by pushing a button on their profile in the ACP Sync up to 20 of your custom profile fields! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Theme for IPS 4.2 View demo Notice: If You need to install style on Your forum, but You can't do that, write me in personal messages. If You like the style, then check out my other work : MetaTags: Gaming style for IPS 4, Modern style for IPS 4, Beautiful style for ips4, Clear design, 4.2 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Because i couldn't find much information on the forum for a good robots.txt. I try to collect all information i can find on invisioncommunity and own experience and made a robots.txt file from it. Good SEO is to keep the Bounce rate low, make quality links and don't make duplicate content (of your own or other websites) in google. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. GENERAL DESCRIPTION DownloadsPlus takes the default IP.Downloads and propels it to the max! With a slew of new features, additions, and enhancements, it transforms your Downloads application into a one-stop shop for informational details, client support, and customer service. DownloadsPlus provides awesome new features that expand your Downloads application. No more support tickets in IP.Commerce. No more questions and topics in IP.Board. No more bugs in a custom tracker in IP.Pages. No more searching for questions, problems, and tickets in multiple areas. DownloadsPlus bring all of these resources together into a single spot directly accessible in IP.Downloads, which allows you to efficiently and intelligently manage all of your files directly from the file itself! Buy the new DownloadsPlus application and supercharge your Downloads app! Do you want to empower your members to ask questions and receive detailed answers from other users before buying a file? Do you want to provide better service by building a support system into the file manager? Do you want a clean layout that packs all of these enhancements plus the default IP.Downloads information into a tighter space for mobile efficiency? DownloadsPlus is designed for communities with an extensive file system that sell or distribute files and want to find a smarter, faster, and more efficient method to support users! FEATURES DownloadsPlus contains multiple new features in both the ACP and front-end. Some of its major new features include: Support System - Build a support ecosystem around each file, which makes it simpler and easier to provide immediate assistance to users. The support system contains advanced features such as auto-resolve, status updates, and private / public tickets. Q&A System - Build a question and answer system dedicated to each file, so members can ask questions before buying. Other users can answer the question or identify that they have the same question too. Admins can always control the answers (if incorrect or misleading) by deleting answers. Features in the DownloadsPlus ACP setting: Auto-Resolve Time Status Update settings Features added to each download's category ACP setting: Enable Questions Question Permissions Only owners can answer questions Enable Support Require purchase before supporting Support Permissions Tab order Features added to each file's front-end: Details on its own tab Changelog on its tab Q&A is a new tab Notifications when answered Multiple answers "I have this question too" by other users Remove question / remove answer Support is a new tab Create new support report "Click and hold" to edit support title Version requirement on support tickets Follow and Notification preferences Public or Private tickets Reviews on its own tab Comments on its own tab All of these features natively integrate with your existing permissions, so it works seamlessly with your IP.Downloads. ADVANCED FEATURES Geek out with other cool features in DownloadsPlus: Auto Resolve - An advanced feature of the Support system. Auto-Resolve is a setting to automatically close a ticket in X days if no response. For example, if you have a support ticket where the last response is from the downloader and X days have transpired, the ticket is automatically marked as "Closed." If you have a support ticket where the last response is from the uploader and X days have transpired, the ticket is automatically marked as "No Response." Statuses - An advanced feature of the Support system. Statuses can be customized to provide a built-in tracker for issues. HOW TO INSTALL Please install or update like any other application. Navigate to ACP > System > Site Features - Applications. Click on "Install" Select the TAR file and install. REQUIREMENTSThis file requires IP.Core and IP.Downloads. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. This application will allow members to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board. Notice: Compatibility: IPS 4.2 only! Requirement: Commerce: THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on Manual.pdf in the zip file or request support BEFORE you install this app. Each purchase entitles you to use Raffles System on one Community installation. Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like Paypal usually shut accounts down or even can take actions against the accounts of people using their site in that manner. Features: Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways or both Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting) Restrictions members participation per raffle/giveaway by: Tickets per member (raffles only) Number of participants Content count Reputation points/likes Number of days as member Groups Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds) Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions, extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions and extra fields Category Icons Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approvwd content items must have to access the app and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period of time (day, week, month and year) Robust Admin CP Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates to: Activity Streams Share Links Tag/Prefixs system Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc Follow System for raffles/giveaways and categories Announcements Advertisements Search system ACP Live Seach (categories) Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments and Reviews Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts More... Suggestions and Bugs report: Submit suggestions to the Suggestions forum: Submit bug reports to the official Bug Tracker for this app: Account: Every user that purchases this app will have an account automatically created in the support board. Credentials: URL: User: your username here on IPS Password: your email address here on IPS Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. This resource will give more power to Club Owners. They will be able to execute functions currently only possible in the Admin CP. Features: Add members to the club Add members from a specific user group to the club (secondary groups checked) Change owner of the club Change type of the club (option according to the owner group setting) Yet to come: Convert regular node into a Club node without the need to move all items (Example: a forum into a club forum) Delete nodes/features Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. INTRODUCTION Post Areas brings forum stats to the profile! Post Areas is an exciting new application by @fosters for you to track, measure, analyze, and cyberstalk your activity in the forums - or the activity of anyone else in the community! Are you curious about where you post the most topics? Are you interested in finding what forums have most of your posts? Are you looking to find forums where your online friends are most active in? The application is designed to allow you to find out the most popular boards in which a user posts. The app lists the number of topics and posts you've made in each board in an easy-to-read table format. The table links to the individual forums for easy access. And all of this is available from a new tab in your Profile. Buy the app now to start tracking your post areas! SCENARIOS Here are advanced scenarios where Post Areas can help your community: User Activity - Are you interested in the activities of a popular user, and want to find out when and where he spends most of his time? You can use Post Areas to track where he makes the most topics and posts so you immediately follow. Community Moderation - Did you recently promote a new moderator, but you're not sure if he's effectively spending the right amount of time greeting new members or moderating topics in a special forum? You can use Post Areas to see if the new moderator is spending enough activity in select forums, or if his attention is directed elsewhere. New Boards - Make a new board recently and want to test if your users are attracted to it? Browse the profiles of your most trusted and active users, and measure their individual activity. FEATURES Here are all the features of Post Areas: New tab on profile: "Post Areas" List of all forums with links to corresponding forums Number of Topics and Posts Post counts are sorted in descending order Only publicly visible posts are counted SETTINGS None. This app is designed to be a simple plug-and-play, and will become immediately active as soon as it is installed. INSTALL Basic instructions on how to install: Go to ACP > Systems > Application Click on "Install" button Choose the .TAR file Click "Install" SUPPORT Project Tracker - Priority support will be given to bugs and suggestions posted in the Project Tracker located on the Fosters website. Support Topic - Regular support as time is available will be given to the IPS support topic located here: <<link>> POSTSCRIPT This app is inspired by XenForo's Post Areas, and commissioned by user who generously underwrote the initial release and funding for the app. If you'd like to further support the app or the developer, please visit our website and see how you can request your own custom project. If you enjoyed this app and want to give us a thumbs-up, be sure to write us a 5-star review below so other users can benefit from the app! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Η ελληνική μετάφραση για την κοινότητα IPS 4.x. Πρόκειται για μετάφραση όλων των περιεχομένων του Core, Calendar, System και Forums. Έχουν μείνει ελάχιστες φράσεις στο frontend και κάποιες λίγες στο backend. Με την κυκλοφορία του IPS 4.2.x θα ολοκληρωθεί και θα διατεθεί πλήρως. Για διορθώσεις, πιθανά λάθη, καθώς και οτιδήποτε θέλετε μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε μαζί μου και θα προσπαθώ άμεσα να τα διορθώσω ικανοποιώντας τα αιτήματα σας. Σταδιακά θα προστεθούν και οι μεταφράσεις των άλλων applications ξεκινώντας από το Pages και το Blogs, και συνεχίζοντας με τα άλλα (ανάλογα με την ζήτηση θα προσαρμόσω και την σειρά.) Τι περιλαμβάνεται στην μετάφραση: IP.System IP.Calendar IP.Forums Μελλοντικά applications (μη εγγυημένη ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης): IP.Pages (εγγυημένα) IP.Blogs (εγγυημένα) IP.Gallery (μέλλον) IP.Downloads (μέλλον) IP.Commerce (πιθανό) Υποστήριξη: Μέσω προσωπικού μηνύματος: Αποστολή (Κατά προτίμηση) Μέσω email: [email protected] Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Easily remove Sidebar in Store. Just enable or disable it by editing the plugin. ** This is my first plugin created from the documentation available on this site. ** Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. This application will add a +1 / -1 review system for topics in your forum. The review System can be disabled on certain forums of your choice. Only users with the appropriate permissions will be able to review topics and view the topic reviews. A list of topic reviews will be displayed on topics page in the forum list. Topics can also be filtered based on their reviews. Certain actions are also available for topics that reach a certain positive or negative review count. Permissions: Groups that can review topics. Groups that can view topic reviews. Groups that can delete own reviews from topics. Groups that can delete all reviews from topics. Excluded Forums: Topic reviews can be disabled in forums of your choice. Restriction Criteria: In order to prevent rating of old topics, you can set a minimum number of days since the last reply in a topic in order for it to be excluded from being reviewed. Action Criterias: Pin Topics Criteria. Once a topic reaches a certain threshold of positive reviews it can be pinned automatically. Feature Topics Criteria. Once a topic reaches a certain threshold of positive reviews it can be featured automatically. Close Topics Criteria. Once a topic reaches a certain threshold of negative reviews it can be closed automatically. Hide Topics Criteria. Once a topic reaches a certain threshold of negative reviews it can be unapproved automatically. Topic Filtering: Topics can be filtered based on their reviews in forum list. This can be enabled/disabled at the application 's settings page. Review Display: Topic reviews will be displayed in forum list. This can be enabled/disabled at the application 's settings page. Widget: Topics that have received only positive reviews will be displayed on a widget that can be placed either in the sidebar or board index. Tools: A tools page is available to delete all topic reviews. Roadmap: More features are planned for future releases. If you wish to request a particular feature to be added, you can either post at the application 's support topic or contact me in private. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. This plugin will allow your users to Register/Login with Smashcast live streaming website (Formerly Existing users can sync their Smashcast account to their forum account. Features: Syncs a users Smashcast username to their account. Existing users can link their accounts to Smashcast. Sync Smashcast Avatar to Member Avatar Sync Smashcast Cover to Profile Cover The renewal fee is just to cover future updates to Smashcast Api or future features. Documentation for plugin can be found here: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. This plugin will allow your users to Register/Login with Mixer live streaming website. Exisiting users can sync their Mixer account to their forum account. Features: Syncs a users Mixer username to their account. Existing users can link their accounts to Mixer. Sync Mixer Avatar to forum Avatar The renewal fee is just to cover future updates to Mixer Api or future features. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. IPS Pages Category Images Add an image to every IPS Pages database category for use in your templates! Any settings? Nope. Just install and go. When editing/creating a category in an IPS Pages database this plugin appends a new tab where you can upload an image. That's it. And how do I use this? Images are stored wherever you have assigned attachments to be stored and you can access the image anywhere the $category variable is available to you in Pages templates. $category->pcimage = The local url to the stored image. You will rarely use this by itself as it will return "uploads/monthly_07/thisismyimagename_34erjfhrufhdheh.jpg" or something along those lines. {file="$category->pcimage"} = The COMPLETE url to the stored image. "". Just sticking this in a template will output that as a line of text. <img src='{file="$category->pcimage"}'> = The image will be displayed in your template at this location at full size. You get the idea. From here you can format the image with css, use it as a background element, and so on. Why am I using this again? Give every category its own image. Format it like an icon and stick it next to the category title in your templates. You could create a large section background for your categories using this image. And so on... Why $category->pcimage and not just $category->image? If IPS ever adds something like this to Pages database categories themselves I predict with 99.999% certainty they would use the word "image". I added the "pc" in front to hedge against that potential future conflict. What happens if I disable this plugin? Everything will continue to work, you just won't be able to add an image to Pages database categories until you re-enable it. You are just disabling the category edit/create category image tab when you disable this; that's all. And if I uninstall this? You will be warned that you will lose all of you uploaded images and then it will wipe all that stuff out. Consider that you will be editing your Pages templates to add calls to these images too. You'll need to edit your templates to remove those calls after you uninstall this. Cost $5 forever and ever and ever... There is a yearly renew attached but that's just the tip jar - ignore the renew if you like or let it ride and buy me a beer every year! No yelling if you forget to cancel the renew invoice and you do buy me that beer; I promise to enjoy it though. Terms/License One buy, one site. Feel free to use on all your test sites if you have any. No uploading to warez/pirate sites which really should go without saying and yet here we are... This file was sponsored by @Charl - Say hey to the man! Thank You! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. This app wants to improve, especially with the user's advice, the new CLUBS feature (4.2+). It is now released at a special price because many of the features are still under development. A detailed roadmap will be viewable in the APP support area. This first release coming with a blocks manager for CLUBS, you can create and edit unlimited block for any clubs. With this feature you can do many things, some example: 1. Add an HTML block 2. Add a donation block 3. Add advertising block 4. Add a generic Image 5. Add a custom menù 6. Add a links block and so on... I have many ideas to add to this app, which is why the starting price is much lower than the final price ($45+) when the roadmap is completed. I you need something more in CLUBS buying this app now could be a good deal, so you can come to our support CLUB and ask for a new feature. : D THIS PLUGIN WORKS ONLY FOR 4.2+ BOARDS Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Let your members set and display a video on their profiles DEMO Plugin Settings Choose what user groups can use Profile Video Choose what user groups can see the members Video Links Supported Any link what will play via embedding the src url For Example How To Install Go to your admin panel and plugins then install the downloaded .xml file Version Compatibility 4.1.x 4.2.x Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. This plugin add a button near topic pagination to show the full topic. The first setting inside the plugin is a security limit. For safety reasons, we recommend setting this limit with caution. A careless use of this feature could overload the server. 1. Show Full Topic button 2. Back to normal view button 3. Setting: Max posts in topic security limit ( default value set to 250 ) 4. Setting: Where to show Show Full Topic Button (Forums) 5. Setting: Who can use the Show Full Topic Button (User Groups) THIS PLUGIN WORKS ONLY FOR 4.2+ BOARDS Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Let your members set their social profile links and show them on their profiles, topic posts and hover card as a stacked font-awesome icon each icon is clickable to open a new window to their selected link Plugin Settings Choose what user groups can use Members Social Info Choose what user groups can see the Members Social Info icons Select 2 different styles of the icons from square to round Admin/Moderator Settings (Member Profile Edit Settings) Manually add / edit the users Member Social Info in there profile edit settings (If the mod has edit permissions) Social Links Included So Far Facebook Twitter Google YouTube GitHub Steam Instagram LinkedIn Skype Website More to come Displays Where? On the users posts and topics in the user info panel On their profile as a block On there hover card at the bottom of the info list How To Install Go to your admin panel and plugins then install the downloaded .xml file Version Compatibility 4.1.x 4.2.x Want More Icons Leave a reply on the support topic and let me know what social sites and icons you want added I am more than happy to update it with more icons Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. This plugin allows you to add advanced custom TXT and HTML widgets to your website, You can add default and fixed widgets to sides, Each widget you add is fully customizable with its own configuration settings. Demo Features: Fixed and normal widgets Fixed widgets. Add fixed widgets to website sides you choose in the widget configuration, each widget can have different position or even a custom position. Normal widgets. Add normal and default widgets TXT & HTML widgets Each widget can be TXT or HTML. Fully customizable widgets. Each widget you add can have different settings and different colors. You can customize widget width, height, fixed positions, optionally hide on mobiles and tablets, customize fixed sides switcher, set User group permissions and colors...etc) A demo page to show the widgets, using it for some custom widgets and social embeds Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Small Widget to show a list of online users on a Rocket.Chat server. Intended to be used along with the OAuth Server application that allows to login in a Rocket.Chat server using the forum credentials. Instructions: download the .tar file upload into the Applications in your AdminCP use the block edit mode to add the new widget, use the edit button to add the server url (no / at the end!) and a user that can access the RESPT API The Widget was tested on Rocket.Chat: 0.56.0 IPB: PHP: 7.0.18 (should work with older versions as well, no fancy stuff used) OAuth2: 1.2.4 The username in this scenario will match the member name in the forum, so some nice profile links are possible. Currently no caching is setup for the widget (if you have a bigger forum this will matter) - have not yet figured out how to configure the widget cache Przeczytaj cały wpis
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