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Treść opublikowana przez Maliversiak

  1. Who Viewed the Topic Track and display members that have viewed topics! Pop-up modal and widget options! This is the long-delayed enhanced update to Topic Viewed by Users. New stuff includes... Configurable number-per-page in the pop-up modal. Somewhat limited for now as this is going to get some upgrades in the near-term. Option to not display the pop-up modal button if you are using widgets instead. New widget display! Widget can display avatars, names, or group-formatted names! IPS style widgets (as formatted by your theme) or a "Spartan" option which is just a simple gray box. Avatars configurable to display at three standard IPS sizes: tiny, mini, and small. Configurable limit to the number of members that will display in the widgets. Viewers over the limit get summed up and appended as a count i.e. "and 29 more..." This is a standard IPS widget - stick it on the top, bottom or sidebar. Notes: This is a re-write of the original plugin. The database tables are different so that data will not be read or written to. Consider this an entirely separate plugin and you are starting from scratch. You should probably uninstall the other plugin as well. This is a vanilla cached widget. That means it respects the cache time you have set in the ACP under System - Settings - Advanced Configuration and will only change the display of who viewed based on that. Default is 5 minutes. On installation there will be no data for the widget to read until you get people viewing the topics from that point forward. Also, the initial addition of a widget to a page probably kicks off the cache timer on the widget. Give it a few minutes before the widgets begin to display data. When you move a widget around on the page, the data in the widget gets "lost". Once you save the widget position, just refresh the page afterwards and you'll be good to go again. All Astronauts is Flitterkill. I'm just moving my IPS stuff away from my active community accounts. Renewals: $5 to buy, $5 a year but really you can skip the renews in general. Punch the renew ticket after a year if there are IPS changes that require this to be updated, or I add new features, or you feel like buying me a beer. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Application allows to send PM messages to selected grups with consideration additional groups. In addition you can use filtering: By posts (send message to members which white more/less post than…) By joined date (send message to members which joined before/after … hours/days/months/years) By last vist (send message to members which visit board before/after … hours/days/months/years) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Application allows to mark member email as outdated. Member with this flag will see popup with information on every pege view and no email will be sent to this address until it changes. Additional functionality is the log history of email address changes and mass import outdate email addresses. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Application makes to easy proces removeing member account from board. Normally member must know to whom write message, but if someone hacked their account then he have problem after removeing accont. Now you do not need to know who and what to write. Only go to special page, accept form. Next board send email to your email address with additional confirmation. When you click confirmation link then administrator receive email with information that someone want to delete account and on special page on ACP he decide what he do. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. This plugin is simply adding "fade" effect for selected in plugin configuration Category and disables clickable links etc. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Rainbow is an Light, fancy skin based on Default IPS Suite theme. This Theme is using custom settings for gradient colors so you can change it how you want. Live Demo can by found on my site ( Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. This is a maintenance release to fix minor issues. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Player Panel is application which is integrated with AMXBans. Demo/Always current version and future versions: Members Can View full ban list View own bans Add complaints Add appeals Add bans Add comments to complaints and appeals Accept appeals ( automatically unban player ) Reject appeals Accept complaints ( automatically ban accused player ) Reject complaints Group Permissions Who can view app Who can view appeals Who can manage appeals Who can add appeals Who can view complaints Who can manage complaints Who can add complaints Who can unban players Who can ban players Who can see IP addresses Supported AMXBans (GM) AMXBans 1.5.x (GM) AMXBans 1.6.x AMXBans 5.x AMXBans 6.x This is the first version and can be failings. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. A Dark 'Dragon' theme for IPB 4.1.17.x Includes: PSD Files for logo and Team Icons Dark CKEditor Theme Readme.txt file (includes installation instructions) Themed for the following: Forum, Blog, Gallery, Chat, Pages, Downloads, Commerce Please contact me if wish to view demo. You will be able to upgrade to all future 4.1.x.x that IPS release and should not affect the theme (if it does then please contact me) Terms & Conditions: To be installed on one forum only, to install on more than one then you will need to purchase theme again (contact me for discounts for purchasing more than one skin). You are not allowed to re-sell the skin or make profit directly from the skin. You do not have the right to redistribute this skin set in any way. If you wish to purchase copyright removal then please contact me for more details Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. This plugins automates xml-rpc ping requests to Yandex Blogs service ( When you create a post in your forum this plugins automatically send xml-rpc request to Yandex. You should have PHP XML-RPC extension ( installed on your server. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. This plugins automates xml-rpc ping requests to Google Blogs service ( When you create a post in your forum this plugins automatically send xml-rpc request to Google. You should have PHP XML-RPC extension ( installed on your server. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. This plugin is enabling member's signature in topic. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Remember my topic where I've described how to create an Hello World app? I'm uploading the .tar with the app and dev folder for those lazy people Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. Include PSD Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Live Demo at my site. Change theme to Oblivion or navigate with the default theme. Should fit all applications that IPS has to offer. This theme has no slider, so If you want a slider, you have to purchase one in the marketplace. IPS version 4.1.19 ready. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Include PSD + Font Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Simple widget to display activity and online members on a discord server. The widget uses the wdiget.json api provided by discord: This widget requires that PHP cUrl extension. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Includes: Fonts .PSD File Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. What is it? Itzverified is a small photo verification plugin. Your members can request a verification code in their settings. Now they can upload a photo where they must hold a paper with the verification code on it and start the verification process. After submitting the file your moderators will be informed via a notification message about the new submited verification. They can now go to the mcp and verify if the code on the submitted photo equals the code the member got before. If true your moderators can verify the user what does not mean even more than the user becomes a member of a configured group. If the user is a member of the preconfigured group all other members will see a checkmark next to the username like you know it from confirmed profiles at facebook. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Automatically synchronize WordPress' user roles with IPS community suite groups! No core files touched! Once you have mapped the WordPress user roles with IPS user groups of your choice, you will get IPS secondary usergroups synced with WordPress' user roles. Primary Group in IPS community suite remains untouched - this allows you to give users in IPS and WordPress extra permissions without showing them to public. You can map each WordPress user role to a unique corresponding IPS user group or map several WP user roles to the same IPS user groups - once a user group in IPS is removed or added from member, all mapped user roles from WordPress are synced instantly, too. Important Requirements: IPBWI for WordPress v4 installed on WordPress and IPS Community Suite Please note that we only test on most recent release version of IPBWI for WordPress v4. Documentation Bulk Sync/Import all members at once? This Group Sync addon works for all future changes. If you want to bulk sync or import existing IPS members to WordPress, you will need IPBWI4WP – IPS User to WordPress Import Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. Replace WordPress' comment system with IPS discussion topics! No core files touched! With this plugin, you replace the whole WordPress' comment system - instead, IPS forum topics will be created upon first comment of a WordPress post. While the recent topics are displayed on WordPress, further discussion can unleash within your community suite. You are able to fully customize this plugin on update save ways, e.g. via a custom comment area template within your WordPress' theme or via language files and filters. While WordPress' Avatars are sitewide replaced by IPBWI for WordPress v4 core plugin, all comment authors will show their corresponding IPS member avatars, too. Important Requirements: IPBWI for WordPress v4 installed on WordPress and IPS Community Suite Please note that we only test on most recent release version of IPBWI for WordPress v4. Documentation Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Pages SuperSlider is a versatile and customizable slider/swiper block template for Pages database blocks. Check out the live demo to see it in action. SuperSlider is fully responsive, touch-enabled for mobile devices and works in the main content column of single-column pages or in the sidebar. The appearance and functionality can easily be customized through dozens of options in the settings plugin. You can create any number of sliders and also combine them on one page. But all sliders will share the same settings. What’s needed: IPS 4.1 in its most recent version with the Pages application A pages databases that uses the stock Record Image field and has images with a sufficient resolution uploaded through that field. What’s included: The slider/swiper plugin which gives access to the settings and installs the jQuery slider and the CSS. The SuperSlider block template, which can be assigned to any Pages database block Detailed Feature Description and Notes: Pages SuperSlider is built with the IPS design framework and is therefore fully responsive and should be compatible with most well-coded/well-designed themes. The template is designed to work on single-column pages (with or without a sidebar) and in the sidebar. SuperSlider currently comes with these options: Block features: turn block headline on or off add padding around the slider choose background color Slider features: choose slider type: slide, fade, coverflow, flip add thumbnail navigation bar turn auto-play on or off set auto-play delay loop slides or stop at the end/beginning show or hide navigation arrows select arrow color show or hide dot navigation below the slides use dark or light mode for dot navigation set slider to Right-to-Left mode Image settings: Image aspect ratio for main column Use thumbnail images in main column Image aspect ratio for sidebar column Use fallback image when records have no record image Text settings: Title alignment: left, center, right Title background color Title background opacity Support notes: If you change settings and don’t see an effect, wait until the caching time of your sidebar blocks has passed or remove the slider block and add it again to refresh its code instantly. The slider uses JavaScript and is based on the open source software Swiper (by I only support the implementation of this slider module, not its own functionality. If the slider itself causes problems (e.g. doesn’t work properly in older browsers) or conflicts with other third-party software on your site, I cannot help you. I only support my own code used to implement the slider into the IPS Community suite. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. What does it do? This plug-in prevents your members from trying to steal attention by entering a title in purely uppercasing, with lots of punctuation and will try and strip to a more readable format that is constant with your board posting guidelines. Plug-in Settings: Case Types: There are 5 different types of casing that you can use. No Modification, Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case and Title Case. Excessive Punctuation: This tries to reduce excessive punctuation from the title. This will turn ??????? to ? and !!!!!! to !. Exception Words: These are word of your choosing that will never have their casing changed, regardless of your plug-in settings. If the word is upper case, all of these words in the title will be forced Upper case for example. Remove Characters: These are characters that will be removed regardless of how many there are in the title text. Names that begin with O', Mc or Mac will be processed automatically from o'neill to O'Neill or mcneill to McNeill. At the moment, only the Forum Topics and Pages Applications will have their titles changed. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Will allow users from specific groups to send an email to other users directly on their profiles. Settings: Groups allowed to send email in profiles Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. Hello Everyone. Here are some new cool funny Team icons for your forum. You can change the colors, titles or whatever you want from the .psd file that you will download. All styles are in one file. You have just to save them as .png when you will change the titles or anything else. Font that you will need: MyriadPro ( i used Bold) Have fun and for everything feel free to send message here on IPS forums PS: You like this User Topic View? Find it here: << CLICK ME >> Przeczytaj cały wpis
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