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Treść opublikowana przez Maliversiak

  1. This plugin will add a new block in index to display latest topic or latest replies and topics using specific tags. You can add any tag you want to be listed, which will be ajaxed loaded. Listing will have only topics that the user has permission to see. Settings: First Tab Content Latest Topics Latest Replies Show Prefix/Tags in topic listing? Use group prefix/suffix formatting in member links Display topic author photo Include topics from Clubs Forums where to pull topics from Made by request: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. This plugin will remove the CLUBS tab from profiles when the profile owner isn't member of any clubs. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Forum plugin which will display a HTML5 audio or video player for audio/video attachments and/or remotely linked audio/video files. Ability to enable/disable the player for audio or video or both (disabled by default, so effect will not be immediately seen on posts) Ability to enable/disable the respective players from handling remotely linked audio/video files. Ability to control the initial size of the video player so as to avoid 'large' videos pushing outside the post container. Ability to include the original link, to act as a fallback for users with browsers which cannot either display the HTML5 player or play the audio/video file Admin configurable list of audio/video file extensions. Plugin is compatible with IPS 4.1 (tested with and IPS 4.2 (tested with 4.2.5) Please note the following: If you require support then please post in the provided support topic. Do not use PM and do not use the review functionality. Plugin support does not extend to assisting you with adding support for playing a specific audio/video file/codec to your browser (Google is your friend in this situation) Want to test your browser's ability to show a HTML5 player? Go here: Questions: Why are you charging more than your usual $5 for your plugin? Development of this plugin took longer than others, and I envisage future development and support will be time consuming too. Will the plugin be extended to work on other applications in the IPS suite? I will try to develop it to work within the Pages application, however other applications will be more difficult due to me not owning licenses to use them. Never say never, but for now it's a 'No' Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Ads.txt is an initiative by the advertising industry to help curb counterfeit ad inventory by allowing content owners the ability to specify who is allowed to sell their advertisements. You can read more about it at the official page on IAB Tech Lab. You can use this plugin to control the contents of your ads.txt file, even when using our Community In The Cloud services where you would otherwise be unable to upload the appropriate txt file needed. Note that on some hosting environments you may need to first create the ads.txt file using FTP and chmod it to allow the file to be written (e.g. 0777). This is not necessary with our Community In The Cloud offerings. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. By default, IPS 4.2 moderates links posted but it's all or nothing: all links from all members will be moderated (except those who can bypass word and link filters). This plugin will add two new opitons when moderating links: Number of days as member Groups Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. EN: It will make "I agree to the Terms of Use" checked by default. The reason for this is that some users forget to check it and need to pass security check again... which makes them annoyed and cancel registration sometimes. We just want to make creating new accounts as simple as possible. PL: "Zgadzam się z Warunkami użytkowania" będzie zaznaczone domyślnie. Plugin powstał ponieważ część użytkowników zapominała to zaznaczyć i musiała ponownie przejść weryfikację Captcha... co ich irytowało, a czasami powodowało anulowanie rejestracji. Dążymy do tego, aby zakładanie kont było maksymalnie łatwe. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Dark Halloween Theme with Team icons and online/offline images (little animation on the left logo image) Includes: PSD Files for logo and team icons Font for theme Dark CKEditor theme Readme.txt file (includes installation instructions) Themed for the following: Forum Blog Gallery Downloads Pages Clubs Commerce Calendar Leaderboard Please contact me if wish to view demo. You will be able to upgrade to all future 4.2.x that IPS release and should not affect the theme (if it does then please contact me) Terms & Conditions: To be installed on one forum only, to install on more than one then you will need to purchase skin again (contact me for discounts for purchasing more than one skin). You are not allowed to re-sell the skin or make profit directly from the skin. You do not have the right to redistribute this skin set in any way. If you wish to purchase copyright removal then please contact me for more details Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. This plugin extends the sitemap to include products from your store. For some reason commerce products aren't included in the default sitemap, which can have a negative impact on your search ranking. With this plugin, your products will now show up in the sitemap that is submitted to search engines, and consequently be included in search result. Having used this on my site for the last week, I am starting to see my products show up in search where they previously were not. This will NOT include products that have "Show in store" turned off. Likewise anything that can't be seen by a guest will also not be included. To install just go to Applications -> Install and upload the .tar file. You can configure the options from Search Engine Optimisation -> Sitemap -> Untick 'Use recommended settings' and configure Commerce. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. This resource will provide a quick list of topics from all forums in your Community. User will see only topics he has permission to view. User with permission will also be able to perform moderation actions in topics. Types of lists: Global list (a new tab in the navigation bar) Will display topics from all forums. This tab/module can be removed at any time in the Applications -> Topics List app row -> Topics List module row permissions Forums level list Will display a list of topics form the forum you are browsing. Settings: Display type: Compact view: only topic title will be displayed Full view: will display a traditional forum view with topics information Use group prefix/suffix formatting in member links Display button to start a new topic Topics per page Honor Pinned Topics Ability to display topics from specific members Ability to display topics from specific forums Ability to choose in which forums a topics list will appear (a new button) Note: NOT recommended to REAL large forums Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. With this modification you can add 'stock' option for your paid files in IP.Downloads. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. New light theme for the new IPS 4.2.x The third theme in the Oblivion series with blue foucs in a light version. Live Demo at my site. New nice css function with hover flip in the menu. Change theme to Oblivion light in the bottom "Themes" Should fit all applications that IPS has to offer. Choose between two version, with footer or wihout footer. This theme is only for IPS 4.2.x Advanced footer with up to 4 column. Background and pattern images uploads. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. S.W.A.T Theme First install add-ons, next install theme and theme editor. Support website: Live demo (change style s.w.a.t) : Click! Admin panel settings: Slider settings: Social settings: Add-ons (must be installed!): Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. This resource will restore a feature from IP.Downlodas 2.5.X (IP.Board 3.4): it will display files and members reports. Reports: File: All members who downloaded a file Member: All files a member has uploaded All files a member has downloaded Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. This is the full italian translation of the iawards 1.1.1 version for IPS 4.2.X Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Plugin allows you to send SMS notifications about purchases made in our forum store. We have two types of notifications: new order notification and invoice paid notification. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. This tool will create missing support topics for Downloads files. Permission: EDIT CATEGORY in Downloads cateegories required. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. This is the italian translation for (BIM42) Chatbox 2.0.0 Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Are you tired of creating, managing, and changing multiple membergroups just so users can write a new article? Page Authors by @Fosters allows individual users to write new records in IP.Page Database Categories. Users can be assigned to categories, so they Add and Edit their own articles. This app overrides their normal group's permission, which may not have permission. This is great if you need Users to contribute to: News stories Knowledge wikis Resource directories Personal blogs created in IP.Pages All without having to move or reassign users to different membergroups or mess with membergroup permissions! Just add the user and go. !! REQUIREMENT !! This application requires IP.Pages. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. This modification is useful if you need to send different email templates for different purposes. For example, you may wish for your forum notifications and digests to use a simple wrapper, while commerce payment notifications will include upgrade links and additional information related to purchases. Uses IPS template logic All member properties are available to be used in the wrapper Use different wrappers for different applications Use different wrappers for individual email templates Specify wrappers for bulk mail Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. Caffeine -is beautiful and clean with the special plugin Drystone that replaces the old grid into beautiful grid columns that your community will love a lot. *NEW* Framework You don’t just get a simple theme, you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website, make it yours! *NEW* Language Setting Keys In this theme, we've set up the language keys for our settings. I know all of you were dying to wait for this, so you can understand the settings very well. *NEW* Block Content When you enable the block content, it'll put your very own block below the guest message. To fetch the block key, there will be an info message below the setting field called "Enable block content?". *NEW* (BETA) Forum Grids into Drystone In our framework, we introduce you Drystone.js in the forum grid layout. In the settings, you'll be able to change how much columns you want and change the gutter between the vertical and horizontal space between each item in the grid. Note: To test out the new grid layout on the demo board, you must be logged in and chosen the forum grid view. Header Background Color/Image You'll get to choose either a background image or background color (default) to suite your needs and for your community. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Twitter Integration Introducing Twitter integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable, modify the Twitter footer title, and of course, input your user profile name. *NEW* Social Icons In our new framework, we introduce you with new social icons: Instagram, Dribbble, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. *NEW* Back to Top Also in our framework, when you scroll down, you'll see the back to top button so you don't have to scroll yourself. Guest Message You will get a guest message that displays everywhere of consisting of a title and a short paragraph of what's possible when your guest creates an account. Google Font Choose your own font to be display everywhere on your forum. Google Font Weight(s) Put more styles into the new font you chose. Override Site Title Spice up your site title by putting in the title you want to be display on the header. Enable Secondary Footer Need more storage for the footer? Don’t worry, we created another footer so you can store more stuff or anything that you want inside. Secondary Footer: About Us Also on the secondary footer, we made an about us section so you can describe your site and your users interests. Appearance You will get setting(s) of changing the default colors to your own liking. And much more! Theme Demo Go here to read about previewing themes on the demo board. Test Account Wanna look more into our themes? Well, now ThemeTree supports a test account for all of our themes. So no more looking at those screenshots or even looking at our themes live. Login to the test account and browse the contents. Display Name: TestAccount123 Password: testyaccount123 Keep up with ThemeTree By: Registering, so you can get upcoming news and updates, and 24/7 support on our forums. Following us on Dribbble ( You can find out our latest upcoming themes and shots. Contacting us at [email protected]. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. This plugin will display the categories/forums/subforums in a widget, just like happens with other apps (Pages, Downloads, etc.). Widget setting: Number of subforums to display Notes: Permissions honored: user will view categories/forums with permission to view. Althought it is named Sidebar, the block can also the used in the main area. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Non-Amazon S3 storage services do work with IPS 4.1x. Add your endpoint, key, secret, and sub-directory and custom url if needed, assign to some file category such as attachments or Gallery images and off you go! However, these Non-Amazon S3 services are NOT officially supported by IPS - that's because some of the internal methods have not been altered to handle them. These methods are hard-coded for Amazon S3 exclusively. If you are merely displaying images and the like on the front end, none of this is a problem. It becomes a problem if your end-users are going to download these files - that is when you hit the exclusively Amazon S3 code and the downloads will fail. For example, if you assign non-Amazon S3 storage to save IPS Downloads files, those files will not be downloadable. When the system attempts to make the download URL, it crafts that URL as if you were using Amazon S3, not some other S3-Compatible storage service. The two major areas that this will impact are IPS Downloads files and Attachments (this is what the file storage is called in the Files list in the ACP - it encompasses all attachments such as those you would have anywhere the full editor is used and there is an attachment dropzone.) This plugin intercepts the the URL creation method called on Amazon S3 file storage objects, checks to see if it is an actual Amazon S3 request, and then just passes it on through as usual. If it is NOT an Amazon S3 request, it must be an S3 compatible method, in which case I provide a rudimentary URL to patch this up. It isn't anything fancy: just enough headers to push out the actual file name and trigger your browser to download it. If the attachment or file in question is an image your browser might just pop it up in a new tab, in which case just right click and download it there. This has been tested with the usual modern browsers (minus Safari), and various file-types. All testing was successful. BTW, as an aside, external FTP storage for files is NOT COMPATIBLE with IPS Community in the Cloud. Might want to note that... Free, support through the IPS Marketplace topic for now. Free also means lay off the instantaneous demands for support. I use this too so it's in my interest to keep this going. Support, and this plugin's existence, continues until IPS gets around to actually officially supporting Non-Amazon S3 storage. WARNING! The only item in the entire IPS Suite that marks files as private is IPS Downloads. This plugin will flag them as public. This means a few things: 1) If you are monetizing or otherwise require to fully control access to IPS Downloads files this is probably not the plugin for you. You will need to wait for complete 3rd Party S3 support, or at least specific mods to support, Digital Oceans Spaces, and so on. It really is just some hump work on getting the signatures correct (and it might be a V2 vs. V4 dance with varying providers as well - IPS just has a hard-coded-to-Amazon V4 method). Give it time, it will happen. 2) If you are using this plugin on an already existing bucket with Downloads files, those files will need to be flagged as public-read for them to download correctly. Again, this plugin is just getting rid of the signatures to allow public files to download correctly from 3rd-party S3 providers. 3) IPS Downloads users on IPS Community in the Cloud may need to wait forever and ever before the plugin will work correctly (forever and ever being defined as more than handful of minutes) as CIC caching takes some time to get things working. You *will* need to be infinitely patient. Like, install and then go drink something for awhile, read a book, etc. Then test. Don't yell at me saying this is broken., It isn't. Tested and verified on both own-hosting and CIC. Enjoy, good luck, etc... Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. For one of my projects I needed the possibility to read data from my board. I could not use the built in API because one important thing still is missing: user authentication and only get data the user is allowed to read. So I wrote my own REST API, including user authentication with tokens and a fluent data output. Currently it is not possible to write data. But the plan is to implement that feature in the future. The plugin is currently in a beta state and available for free. In the future there a plans that you have to purchase it. Installation Install the application through uploading it in the ACP Navigate to "Community" > "Itzrest" > "Settings" and insert a random 32 length key. This step is only needed if you want to use authorized access to the API. The key will be used to encode user tokens and authenticate the user if you make API calls. Make sure your webserver supports authentication headers. Otherwise authorized access will not work. That's it. Everything should work like a charme right now. Go on with the next topics Implemented endpoints Currently the following endpoints are implemented (more will be available in the future). And again: at the moment it is only possible to read data. You must prefix every endpoint with /restapi". Forums /forums /forums/<forumId> /forums/<forumId>/topics /forums/posts /forums/posts/<postId> /forums/topics /forums/topics/<topicId> /forums/topics/<topicId>/posts Core /discover/unread /discover /reactions /reactions/<reactionId> /staff/users /staff/users/<userId> /staff/groups /staff/groups/<groupId> /messenger/folders /messenger/folders/<folderId> /messenger/folders/<folderId>/conversations /messenger/conversations /messenger/conversations/<conversationId> /messenger/conversations/<conversationId>/messages /messenger/messages /messenger/messages/<messageId> Calendar /calendars /calendars/<calendarId> /calendars/<calendarId>/comments /calendars/<calendarId>/events /calendars/comments /calendars/comments/<commentId> /calendars/events /calendars/events/<eventId> /calendars/events/<eventId>/reviews /calendars/events/<eventId>/comments /calendars/reviews /calendars/reviews/<reviewId> Gallery /gallery/albums /gallery/albums/<albumId> /gallery/albums/<albumId>/images /gallery/albums/<albumId>/comments /gallery/categories /gallery/categories/<categoryId> /gallery/categories/<categoryId>/images /gallery/categories/<categoryId>/albums /gallery/reviews /gallery/reviews/<reviewId> /gallery/comments /gallery/comments/<commentId> /gallery/images /gallery/images/<imageId> /gallery/images/<imageId>/comments Authentication /auth/login /auth/authenticate Login as user To login as a user you must send a POST Request to the /auth/login endpoint with your username and password: curl \ -d username=max\ -d password=secret\ -X POST <baseurl>/restapi/auth/login As result you will get an object with several user data and the most important thing: the access token: { "data": { "id": "1", "name": "max", "access_token": "********", "photoUrl": "", "birthday": "" } } Keep the token secret and use it for authorized API calls how described in the step "make authorized requests". If you use authentication it would be the best way if you use a secure (https) connection to make API calls. Make requests Nothing more than sending a GET request to a specific endpoint: curl <baseurl>/restapi/<endpoint> For example: If you want to have all available calendars from your board: curl POST <baseurl>/restapi/calendars Your result will be something like that: { "data": [ { "id": "1", "title": "Community Calendar", "title_seo": "community-calendar", "color": "#6E4F99" } ] } Make authorized requests For authorized requests you need an access token. Append the access token as authorization header and make your request: curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \ -X <baseurl>/restapi/forums You can validate if your token is valid by sending a request to the /auth/authenticate endpoint: curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \ -X POST <baseurl>/restapi/auth/authenticate As result you should get a valid user object. Pagination, order If your board has thounsands of posts or threads we must paginate the results. Otherwise the performance of your requests will be horrible. Each endpoint accepts query parameters to sort and paginate your results in an easy way. Therefore each endpoint has a meta node in its result whicht give you information about your current agination state: "meta": { "pagination": { "total": "22", "count": "22", "per_page": "25", "current_page": "1", "total_pages": "1", "links": [] } } Now let us filter / paginate and limit our results: curl <baseurl>/restapi/forums/2/topics?order=title&orderDirection=asc&limit=5&page=2 We will get the following meta output: "meta": { "pagination": { "total": "22", "count": "5", "per_page": "5", "current_page": "2", "total_pages": "5", "links": { "previous": "<baseurl>/restapi/forums/2/topics/?page=1&order=title&orderDirection=asc&limit=5", "next": "<baseurl>/restapi/forums/2/topics/?page=3&order=title&orderDirection=asc&limit=5" } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Will swap REVIEWS and COMMENTS tab positions in event view. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. This plugin make your Pages application ready to use some of important "Wiki Markups" Some of Markups can be using: [[article name]] or [[article name|test title]] markup for linking to articles. it's support Blue/Red links as well ! Create Section headings with: ==H2 Section headings== and ===H3 Section headings=== Create Templates articles so users can substitution in another articles by this markup: {{template:templatename}} List of all accepted markups are listed inside of package. Also "Wiki works Plugin" can be Perfected by "Infobox Buttons" Przeczytaj cały wpis
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