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[IPS] Advanced Stats


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Show a selection of your board and members stats in much detail with graph views


Member Stats

  • Shows the registration stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members with the most content on your board
  • Shows a block list of the members with the most reputation on your board
  • Shows a block list of the last registered members on your board
  • The blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100

Topic Stats

  • Shows the topics created per day stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members who have created the most topics
  • Shows a block list of the topics what have had the most replies
  • Shows a block list of the most viewed topics
  • These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100

Post Stats

  • Shows the posts created per day stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members who have created the most posts
  • Shows a block list of the latest posts on your board
  • Shows a block list of the members who have edited their posts the most times
  • These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100

Club Stats

  • Shows the clubs created per day stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members of the most leaders of clubs
  • Shows a block list of the members of the most joined clubs
  • Shows a block list of the members of the members who have invited x amount of people
  • These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100

Reaction Stats

  • Shows the reactions per day stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the topics what have accumulated the most reactions
  • Shows a block list of the members who have received the most reactions
  • Shows a block list of the members who have gave the most reactions
  • These blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100

Warning Stats

  • Shows the warnings per day stats of your board in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the 'TRIGGER HAPPY MODERATORS' moderators who have gave the most warning points
  • Shows a block list of the members who have received the most warning points
  • Shows a block list of any banned member who recently tried to access the site
  • These blocks can be filtered to show between 5 and 100

You can also look up topic and post stats from certain members, This feature can be set to certain member groups only in the admin panel

Look Up Stats By Member (Topics)

  • Shows the members topics created per day stats in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members topics with the most replies
  • Shows a block list of the members most viewed topic
  • Shows a block list of the members topics with last activity
  • These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100

Look Up Stats By Member (Posts)

  • Shows the members posts created per day stats in a graph view
  • Shows a block list of the members posts with the last avtivity
  • These blocks can be filtered by a date range and also to show between 5 and 100


  • Each stat page can be shown or hidden to certain members groups in the admin panel except the Member Stats (although it can be hidden to guests) as it's needed for a landing page (If you want to completly disable certain group viewing of it, then you can do that via the module permissions)
  • All graph views can be filtered to be shown 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY' and by a date range and shown as 'LINE CHARTS', 'AREA CHARTS', 'BAR CHARTS' or 'COLUMN CHARTS'
  • All blocks are set to show a default of 10
  • If you want to use the menu manager to add secondary items to the stats tab then there is a setting to disable the built in nav tabs in the pages

How To Install

  • Go to your ACP and applications, click to install new app and install the downloaded .tar file
  • Once installed go to admin settings, Menu manager and add a new tab selecting stats ( There is a image of the menu manager bit in the screenshots )


  • These stats are for the front end for you and your members to view, it does have permissions for what groups can see what pages etc, But none of these stats are shown on the admin panel

I will be adding more stats to this in the future like downloads etc but I need to purchase the software first

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